Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Well, here it is: the long-awaited self-portrait you've all been dying to see (yes, that's a joke).

So, now I'll move on to either finishing up some old projects or starting something new (I haven't decided which yet).

Thanks for visiting!


  1. Thanks, Brandon! Havoc was a cool character. I always liked the way he and Cyclops were immune to eachother's blasts.

    I gotta get a tripod at some point, though. These photos always come out a bit off, and I have to crop them a little.

  2. It looks sweet it doesn't look off center to me. I hear ya though, I want a tripod as well! "shakes fist to sky at imaginary image of awesome camera and tripod"

  3. Actually, although I snapped quite a few shots, only two were good but even those were messed up. The edges of the painting appeared bowed, which I think is due to the fact that I am unable to guarantee that the lens is perfectly parallel to the canvas surface. Luckily, I didn't have to crop out very much to straighten the edges.


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