I decided to switch back to the first design template I used for my blog. Somehow it speaks to the frog in me. Unfortunately, there is one post that does not fit this template, the post I wrote about Julia Takagi. The images of her artwork I used were too large, so I changed the template to accommodate them. I think the old template should be fine for my future posts, and I doubt too many people will review my old posts. Welcome back, Green Template.
Moving on...
Tonight is the series finale for LOST. Ever since I started watching this show in Season 2, I became hooked, partly because it seemed unlike anything else I had seen and because of the nonstop succession of cliffhangers from one episode to the next. The cliffhangers were especially frustrating between seasons, but I kept watching, didn't I? The writing of the series always seemed to be a balancing act between brilliance and cheapness (cliffhangers again).
I can't imagine how the finale can be really satisfying, and if it isn't, LOST certainly won't be the first series to suffer from that problem. This last season has been a bit problematic for me, although it started strong. I just feel the writing hasn't been on par with some of the previous seasons, and some episodes (particularly Ab Aeterno) felt like a waste of 42 minutes worth of content. Still, I am very excited to see it all wrap up, and I'll try to post my reaction to the finale here soon.
3 hours ago